Stories about Headrush
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Headrush in Action

Headrush earns iKeepSafe certification
iKeepSafe announces that Headrush has earned the iKeepSafe COPPA Safe Harbor and FERPA Certifications. These certifications signify that Headrush has been proactively and independently assessed by iKeepSafe, an experienced privacy protection organization.
Read more at iKeepSafe
JAG Partners with Headrush
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), a school-to-career program that supports young people of great promise, has partnered with Headrush.
Read more at Webwire
Elevating Competency-Based Learning
Latitude High School shares its innovative, competency-based approach with members of the Michigan Co-op network of schools, including how Headrush supports these efforts.
Watch videoInnovation in Action

Fostering Jagged People – For Science!
In his book The End of Average, Harvard University’s Todd Rose talks about how no one is average. Average is a statistical myth. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating talent based on a single number like a GPA or an SAT doesn’t work. In Rose’s terms, people are jagged.
Read more at Getting Smart
Upgrading Your Advisory Program to Fit the Unique Needs of Your Learners
The pandemic has changed how we connect with students. With the recent mass-movement toward hybrid learning and respective opportunity gaps in access, there is an amplified need to connect more authentically with the young people we serve.
Read more at Education Reimagined
Why students need to know the benefits of active learning
Extensive research supports that students in active environments learn more than in passive, lecture based classrooms. Despite these findings, most institutions still follow traditional teaching methods.
Read more at Age of AwarenessLearning in Action

When Students Own Their Learning Experiences
Once students began to own their learning, Create your TED Talk gained momentum amongst the students and became an intellectual rite of passage, a part of our student-led learning culture for years to come.
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Learner Initiated, Advisor Guided Scenarios
Learners lead project development and advisors guide project structure, add supplemental tasks and provide feedback along the way.
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Embracing Guest Assessment
Bringing community experts into the assessment process from outside the school is easier than you think.
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A Smarter Way Forward
Stafford champions a better way forward for rural students with increased opportunities and deeper learning with Headrush at the center.
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Learning is an experience. Social. Emotional. Multi-sensory. It took nothing short of a global pandemic to re-centre the educational discourse around this important premise.
Read moreEvolve your Learning Culture
Using HEADRUSH, Northwest Passage High School (NWPHS) is developing a way for staff members to track their professional development goals and relicensure requirements. Though still in its early stages, NWPHS sees a lot of potential for how this will improve professional development for their staff. This effort was recognized by the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools Innovation of the Month.